Childhood is the first stage of a person’s existence and development. It is the stage that falls between infancy and puberty, and also includes people whose ages fall below eighteen. This phase witnesses the development and refinement of personality. When the child begins to understand the big world in which he lives. Children are considered among the most beautiful beings in this universe, a source of joy and delight, and a means of getting rid of anger and sadness inside the home, thanks to their innocence, spontaneity, and beautiful smiles. Video you may like: Children’s Rights: The child’s right is considered non-negotiable, so parents must provide their children with a set of rights, which are: The right to a good name: often children are ashamed of their names and prefer isolation rather than going out to play with the rest of the children. Psychologists and educational specialists have confirmed that there is a negative impact on the child’s psyche from a name he does not like or considers shameful, so parents must choose good names for their children. The right to education and discipline: Parents must raise their children on moral and spiritual values, and this does not happen through violence or coercion. Rather, good planting is done in a good way, and it is necessary for parents to know that their children’s ignorance of life and moral concepts in adulthood is due to their shortcomings in their upbringing during childhood. The right to food and drink: Food and drink are among the most important, intuitive, and natural rights for the child. The nature and quantity of food and drink determine the nature of the child’s body and health in adulthood, a body free from diseases, and body with increased possibility of contracting diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the child gets the three main meals, diversity of the foods provided, and vegetables and fruits daily. The right to education: by registering the child in kindergarten and then in school, and above all that is most important, teaching some life and educational subjects at home, such as the multiplication table, pronunciation of letters, in addition to the necessity of providing some knowledge about the place of residence, age, family name, country, etc.
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