Many parents suffer from their children’s fear of school and their unwillingness to go there, especially in the early years of school. Here, parents are confused about what they should do, and some of them may act wrong in this situation, making their child more afraid and more averse to school. Why are some children afraid to go to school and how can this problem be solved? In this topic you will find the answers to these and other questions. Video you may like: Reasons: Many parents are confused while trying to find the reasons that lead to their children’s fear of going to school. Experts usually attribute the reasons to one of the following factors: Social upbringing: Social upbringing plays a major role in the children’s acceptance of school or the fear of it. Sometimes when children do something wrong their mothers threaten them that they will be sent to school if they don’t behave. From here, the child develops frightening thoughts about school, and starts believing that the school is a place of punishment. The child may get these thoughts indirectly, as by listening to one of the parents or siblings complain about school and homework. The parents must pay attention to what they say and what their children say about school, and should make the school sound like a lovely and beautiful place for their children by describing it as such. Media: Children spend a long-time watching television and various other devices, and parents may not be able to monitor everything broadcasted by these media. Some cartoons can depict school as an unpleasant place with a lot of quarrels and violence, or as a place of boredom and that children in animated movies prefer to pretend to be sick rather than go to school, so it is important for the mother to monitor what the children are watching since she may spend more time at home. She should enhance the child’s love of school, and to constantly evaluate what the child is watching. Home conditions: There are many things that may happen at home that affect the child’s love for school. If the home is a place of constant quarrels, the child usually refuses to leave it and goes to school for two reasons: The first is that he may think that school is also a place full of quarrels and violence. The second is that he may fear that his parents will quarrel in his absence, and one of them will suffer some harm while he is far away from them, not to mention the other negative psychological effects of parents quarrelling in front of the children. There are other reasons that may make going to school a bitter experience for the child, like having a younger brother, so he hates leaving the house, and the new baby enjoys attention from his mother I his absence. B sure to talk to your child frankly and individually to understand his reasons and to calm him down and explain matters to him
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